Integrative mitochondrial biology
Mitochondria are ancient organelles of bacterial origin that are essential to sustain the metabolic requirements of life.
Our laboratory uses basic and translational research approaches to study the multi-faceted biology of these organelles and better understand their role in health and disease.


Discovering the mechanisms of mitochondrial rejuvenation: Mitochondria, like their bacterial ancestors, shed off small mitochondrial-derived vesicles (MDV's) enriched with specific material, some of which being destined to degradation. We are currently studying the characteristics and physiological role of this quality control process in the cardiac system. Check out the publication in The Journal of Physiology

Assessing mitochondrial health in blood leukocytes for ground-breaking progresses in the area of biomarker discovery and personalized medicine: Mitochondrial dysfunctions in blood leukocytes can impair the normal immune response. In many pathological states, mitochondrial impairments in leukocytes also mirrors dysfunction of these organelles in affected tissues, thus offering a non-invasive window to systemic mitochondrial health. We are developing methods for high throughput multi-parametric assessment of mitochondrial function to derive clinically applicable mitochondrial health indices that could be used to assist diagnostic, establish prognosis and monitor therapy.

The Rise of Mitochondria in Medicine: Once considered exclusively the cell's powerhouse, mitochondria are now recognized to perform multiple essential functions beyond energy production, impacting most areas of cell biology and medicine. Read this paper in which we overview specific aspects of mitochondrial biology that have contributed to - and likely will continue to enhance the progress of modern medicine.