In the last decade of biomedical research there has been a remarkable convergence of interest in the so-called powerhouses of cells, the mitochondria. Not only do these dynamic organelles process energy within cells, but they also act as essential signalling hubs and thereby control key processes, including nuclear gene expression, cellular uptake and efflux of chemicals, and cell division and death. It is not surprising then that mitochondrial dysfunction is at the root of many human pathologies, including genetic diseases, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, cancer neuromuscular and neurodegenerative pathologies. The risks for the development of many of these disorders are associated with aging, and the emerging view is that mitochondrial dysfunction constitutes a complex pathogenic core starting to operate long before clinical signs of disease become evident.
The central interest of my laboratory has been to integrate multiple facets of mitochondrial biology to gain a global understanding of the importance of these organelles in physiological homeostasis, and development of human diseases. These facets include key mitochondrial functions such as energy production, generation of reactive oxygen species, mitochondrial membrane permabilization, and cell death signalling, as well as quality control processes such as autophagy/mitophagy, and production of mitochondrial-derived vesicles (MDVs).
I am interested in applying this integrative approach to understand:
- The role of mitochondria in acquired cardiac and skeletal muscle dysfunction of various aetiologies including sepsis
- The complex pathogenesis process underlying genetic mitochondrial disorders